ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library

Sample usage of VGADirectController base class for direct VGA control

Created by Fabrizio Di Vittorio (fdivitto2013@gmail.com) - <http://www.fabgl.com>
Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Fabrizio Di Vittorio.
All rights reserved.
* Please contact fdivitto2013@gmail.com if you need a commercial license.
* This library and related software is available under GPL v3.
FabGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FabGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FabGL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "fabgl.h"
fabgl::VGADirectController DisplayController;
volatile double objX = 300;
volatile double objY = 200;
static double objDir = 0.3;
static double objVel = 10;
static constexpr int objSize = 25;
static uint32_t bgParkMillerState = 1;
static constexpr int borderSize = 20;
constexpr int scanlinesPerCallback = 2; // screen height should be divisible by this value
static TaskHandle_t mainTaskHandle;
// just to avoid floating point calculations inside MyDirectDrawVGAController::drawScanline()
volatile int objIntX;
volatile int objIntY;
inline int fastRandom()
bgParkMillerState = (uint64_t)bgParkMillerState * 48271 % 0x7fffffff;
return bgParkMillerState % 4;
void IRAM_ATTR drawScanline(void * arg, uint8_t * dest, int scanLine)
auto fgcolor = DisplayController.createRawPixel(RGB222(3, 0, 0)); // red
auto bgcolor = DisplayController.createRawPixel(RGB222(0, 0, 2)); // blue
auto width = DisplayController.getScreenWidth();
auto height = DisplayController.getScreenHeight();
// draws "scanlinesPerCallback" scanlines every time drawScanline() is called
for (int i = 0; i < scanlinesPerCallback; ++i) {
// fill upper and lower border with random background color
if (scanLine < borderSize || scanLine > height - borderSize)
bgcolor = DisplayController.createRawPixel(RGB222(fastRandom(), fastRandom(), fastRandom()));
// fill line with background color
memset(dest, bgcolor, width);
// fill object with foreground color
if (scanLine >= objIntY - objSize / 2 && scanLine <= objIntY + objSize / 2) {
for (int col = objIntX - objSize / 2; col < objIntX + objSize / 2; ++col) {
if (col >= 0 && col < width) {
VGA_PIXELINROW(dest, col) = fgcolor;
// go to next scanline
dest += width;
if (scanLine == height) {
// signal end of screen
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(mainTaskHandle, NULL);
void setup()
//Serial.begin(115200); delay(500); Serial.write("\n\n\n"); // DEBUG ONLY
mainTaskHandle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
void loop()
// test collision with borders and bounce changing direction
if (objX < objSize / 2 || objX > DisplayController.getScreenWidth() - objSize / 2)
objDir = PI - objDir;
else if (objY < borderSize + objSize / 2 || objY > DisplayController.getScreenHeight() - borderSize - objSize / 2)
objDir = 2 * PI - objDir;
// calculate new coordinates
objX += objVel * cos(objDir);
objY += objVel * sin(objDir);
// convert object coordinate to integer
objIntX = objX;
objIntY = objY;
// wait for vertical sync
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
int getScreenHeight()
Determines the screen height in pixels.
int getScreenWidth()
Determines the screen width in pixels.
void setDrawScanlineCallback(DrawScanlineCallback drawScanlineCallback, void *arg=nullptr)
Sets the callback used when VGADirectController needs to prepare a new scanline to be sent to the VGA...
void setScanlinesPerCallBack(int value)
Sets number of scanlines to draw in a single callback.
Represents a base abstract class for direct draw VGA controller.
uint8_t width
uint8_t height
This file is the all in one include file. Application can just include this file to use FabGL library...
#define VGA_640x480_60Hz
Definition: fabglconf.h:246