ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library
fabui.h File Reference

This file contains all classes related to FabGL Graphical User Interface. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "freertos/timers.h"
#include "fabglconf.h"
#include "fabutils.h"
#include "displaycontroller.h"
#include "canvas.h"
#include "fabfonts.h"
#include "codepages.h"
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struct  uiAnchors
 Contains anchors enable/disable switches. More...
class  uiApp
 Represents the whole application base class. More...
struct  uiAppProps
 Properties of the application. More...
class  uiButton
 Represents a button control. A button can have text and optionally a bitmap. More...
struct  uiButtonStyle
 Contains the button style. More...
class  uiCheckBox
 Represents a checkbox or a radiobutton. More...
struct  uiCheckBoxStyle
 Contains the checkbox style. More...
class  uiColorBox
 A color box is a control that shows a single color. More...
class  uiColorComboBox
 This is a combination of a color listbox and a colorbox. More...
class  uiColorListBox
 Shows a list of 16 colors, one selectable. More...
class  uiComboBox
 This is a combination of a listbox and a single-line editable textbox. More...
struct  uiComboBoxProps
 Properties of the combobox. More...
struct  uiComboBoxStyle
 Contains the listbox style. More...
class  uiControl
 This is the base class for all controls. A control can have focus and is not activable. More...
class  uiCustomComboBox
 This is a combination of a listbox and another component, base of all combobox components. More...
class  uiCustomListBox
 Shows generic a list of selectable items. More...
class  uiEvtHandler
 Base class of all UI elements that can receive events. More...
class  uiFileBrowser
 Shows and navigates Virtual Filesystem content. More...
class  uiFrame
 A frame is a window with a title bar, maximize/minimize/close buttons and that is resizeable or moveable. More...
struct  uiFrameProps
 Properties of the frame. More...
struct  uiFrameState
 Specifies current frame state. More...
struct  uiFrameStyle
class  uiImage
 Image control to display a static bitmap. More...
struct  uiImageStyle
 Contains the image style. More...
struct  uiKeyEventInfo
 Contains details about the key event. More...
class  uiLabel
 A label is a static text UI element. More...
struct  uiLabelStyle
 Contains the label style. More...
class  uiListBox
 Shows a list of selectable string items. More...
struct  uiListBoxProps
 Properties of the list box. More...
struct  uiListBoxStyle
 Contains the listbox style. More...
struct  uiMouseEventInfo
 Contains details about the mouse event. More...
class  uiObject
 Base class of all UI elements like windows and controls. More...
struct  uiObjectType
 Specifies the object type. More...
class  uiPaintBox
 A paintbox control allows applications to perform custom drawings providing uiPaintBox.onPaint delegate. A paintbox can have horizontal and vertical scrollbars. More...
struct  uiPaintBoxStyle
 Contains the paintbox style. More...
class  uiPanel
 A panel is used to contain and to group some controls. More...
struct  uiPanelStyle
 Contains the panel style. More...
class  uiProgressBar
 A progress bar shows progress percentage using a colored bar. More...
struct  uiProgressBarProps
 Properties of the progress bar. More...
struct  uiProgressBarStyle
 Contains the progress bar style. More...
class  uiScrollableControl
 A scrollable control is a control with optionally vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars. More...
struct  uiScrollableControlStyle
 Contains the scrollable control style. More...
class  uiSimpleMenu
 Shows a list of selectable string items. Selection is done clicking or pressing ENTER or SPACE key. More...
class  uiSlider
 A slider or track bar is a graphical control element with which a user may set a value by moving an indicator
struct  uiSliderStyle
 Contains the slider style. More...
class  uiSplitButton
 This is a combination of a button and a simple menu. More...
class  uiStaticLabel
 A staticlabel is a light version of uiLabel (text must be static). uiStaticLabel has lower memory footprint than uiLabel. More...
struct  uiStaticLabelStyle
 Contains the label style. More...
class  uiTextEdit
 Represents a text edit control. More...
struct  uiTextEditProps
 Properties of the text edit. More...
struct  uiTextEditStyle
 Sets or gets text edit style. More...
class  uiWindow
 Base class for all visible UI elements (Frames and Controls) More...
struct  uiWindowProps
 Contains some window options. More...
struct  uiWindowState
 Specifies current window state. More...
struct  uiWindowStyle
 Contains the window style. More...


enum class  uiButtonKind { Button , Switch }
 Specifies the button kind. More...
enum class  uiCheckBoxKind : int8_t { CheckBox , RadioButton }
 Specifies the combobox behaviour. More...
enum class  uiHAlign { Left , Right , Center }
 Text horizontal alignment. More...
enum class  uiMessageBoxIcon {
  None , Question , Info , Warning ,
 Icon displayed by the uiApp.messageBox() method. More...
enum class  uiMessageBoxResult {
  Cancel = 0 , Button1 = 1 , ButtonOK = 1 , Button2 = 2 ,
  Button3 = 3
 Return values from uiApp.messageBox() method. More...
enum class  uiOrientation { Vertical , Horizontal }
 Item direction/orientation. More...
enum class  uiOrigin { Screen , Parent , Window }
 Specifies window rectangle origin. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains all classes related to FabGL Graphical User Interface.

Definition in file fabui.h.