ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAltVirtualKeyDefAssociates a virtualkey and various shift states (ctrl, alt, etc..) to another virtualkey
 CBaseDisplayControllerRepresents the base abstract class for all display controllers
 CBitmappedDisplayControllerRepresents the base abstract class for bitmapped display controllers
 CTextualDisplayControllerRepresents the base abstract class for textual display controllers
 CVGATextControllerRepresents the VGA text-only controller
 CBitmapRepresents an image
 CCanvasA class with a set of drawing methods
 CCollisionDetectorA class to detect sprites collisions
 CCoreUsageThis class helps to choice a core for intensive processing tasks
 CCurrentVideoModeThis class helps to know which is the current video output (VGA or Composite)
 CCursorDefines a cursor
 CDateTimeRepresents date and time
 CDirItemFileBrowser item specificator
 CDS3231DS3231 Real Time Clock driver
 CFileBrowserFileBrowser allows basic file system operations (dir, mkdir, remove and rename)
 CGlyphRepresents a glyph position, size and binary data
 CGlyphOptionsSpecifies various glyph painting options
 CI2CI2C class allows multiple tasks to communicate with I2C devices, serializing read/write jobs
 Ci8080Intel 8080 CPU emulator
 CICMPICMP Implementation
 CInputBoxInputBox is an helper class which allows to create simple UI interfaces, like wizards or simple input boxes
 CKeyboardLayoutAll in one structure to fully represent a keyboard layout
 CLineEditorLineEditor is a single-line / multiple-rows editor which uses the Terminal object as input and output
 CMCP23S17MCP23S17 driver
 CMOS6502MOS 6502 CPU emulator
 CMouseButtonsDescribes mouse buttons status
 CMouseDeltaDescribes mouse movement and buttons status
 CMousePacketContains raw data received from mouse
 CMouseStatusDescribes mouse absolute position, scroll wheel delta and buttons status
 CPaintOptionsSpecifies general paint options
 CPointRepresents the coordinate of a point
 CPS2ControllerThe PS2 device controller class
 CPS2DeviceBase class for PS2 devices (like mouse or keyboard)
 CKeyboardThe PS2 Keyboard controller class
 CMouseThe PS2 Mouse controller class
 CRectRepresents a rectangle
 CRGB222Represents a 6 bit RGB color
 CRGB888Represents a 24 bit RGB color
 CRGBA2222Represents an 8 bit ABGR color
 CRGBA8888Represents a 32 bit RGBA color
 CSceneScene is an abstract class useful to encapsulate functionalities of a scene (sprites, collision detector and updates)
 CSizeRepresents a bidimensional size
 CSoundGeneratorSoundGenerator handles audio output
 CSpriteRepresents a sprite
 CTerminalAn ANSI-VT100 compatible display terminal
 CTerminalControllerTerminalController allows direct controlling of the Terminal object without using escape sequences
 CuiAnchorsContains anchors enable/disable switches
 CuiAppPropsProperties of the application
 CuiButtonStyleContains the button style
 CuiCheckBoxStyleContains the checkbox style
 CuiComboBoxPropsProperties of the combobox
 CuiComboBoxStyleContains the listbox style
 CuiFramePropsProperties of the frame
 CuiFrameStateSpecifies current frame state
 CuiImageStyleContains the image style
 CuiKeyEventInfoContains details about the key event
 CuiLabelStyleContains the label style
 CuiListBoxPropsProperties of the list box
 CuiListBoxStyleContains the listbox style
 CuiMouseEventInfoContains details about the mouse event
 CuiObjectBase class of all UI elements like windows and controls
 CuiEvtHandlerBase class of all UI elements that can receive events
 CuiAppRepresents the whole application base class
 CuiWindowBase class for all visible UI elements (Frames and Controls)
 CuiControlThis is the base class for all controls. A control can have focus and is not activable
 CuiFrameA frame is a window with a title bar, maximize/minimize/close buttons and that is resizeable or moveable
 CuiObjectTypeSpecifies the object type
 CuiPaintBoxStyleContains the paintbox style
 CuiPanelStyleContains the panel style
 CuiProgressBarPropsProperties of the progress bar
 CuiProgressBarStyleContains the progress bar style
 CuiScrollableControlStyleContains the scrollable control style
 CuiSliderStyleContains the slider style
 CuiStaticLabelStyleContains the label style
 CuiTextEditPropsProperties of the text edit
 CuiTextEditStyleSets or gets text edit style
 CuiWindowPropsContains some window options
 CuiWindowStateSpecifies current window state
 CuiWindowStyleContains the window style
 CVGATimingsSpecifies the VGA timings. This is a modeline decoded
 CVIA6522VIA 6522 emulator
 CVirtualKeyDefAssociates scancode to virtualkey
 CVirtualKeyItemA struct which contains a virtual key, key state and associated scan code
 CWaveformGeneratorBase abstract class for waveform generators. A waveform generator can be seen as an audio channel that will be mixed by SoundGenerator
 CNoiseWaveformGeneratorNoise generator
 CSamplesGeneratorSamples generator
 CSawtoothWaveformGeneratorSawtooth waveform generator
 CSineWaveformGeneratorSine waveform generator
 CSquareWaveformGeneratorSquare waveform generator
 CTriangleWaveformGeneratorTriangle waveform generator
 CVICNoiseGeneratorEmulates VIC6561 (VIC20) noise generator
 CZ80Zilog Z80 CPU emulator